Trustee Services

Coriats acts as trustees for a variety of trusts established by wealthy families to meet their needs for estate planning, succession planning, protection of assets, charitable giving and other aims. We also act as trustees where there is actual or threatened litigation or insolvency proceedings.

Protector Advice and Services

The team at Coriats regularly serve as protectors and/or Co-trustees of an offshore trust offering an  experienced professional fiduciary resource where there is a need to change governance, but a good reason not to change the existing structure. We have, for example, experience of creating alternative management structures for family businesses where there are disagreements as to strategy or management. Please speak to us if you’d like to talk through any such issue.

Contentious Trusts

We have extensive experience as trustees in disputes involving trusts, and we are willing to act decisively and strategically in situations where the trust and/or its assets are involved in litigation or insolvency proceedings. Our involvement is not limited to Turks and Caicos law trusts, and we will consider (with appropriate advisors) taking on most common law governed trusts.

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